Industrial Real Estate Opportunities in SW North Dakota

March 11, 2024

While the spotlight of national real estate often shines on the bustling urban hubs and coastal regions, Southwest North Dakota is quietly paving the path for itself in the industrial real estate sector. Historically overshadowed, this region is now witnessing a renaissance driven by robust economic growth, remarkable infrastructure advancements, and a strategic geographic positioning that offers unparalleled advantages. As the tide turns, SW North Dakota emerges not just as a mere option, but as a top contender for those seeking lucrative industrial real estate opportunities. Dive with us into the heart of this transformation and explore the myriad of prospects waiting to be discovered in this rising star of industrial real estate.

What is Industrial Real Estate?

Industrial real estate refers to properties specifically designed and used for industrial activities, which can range from manufacturing and production to storage and distribution. Unlike residential or commercial real estate, industrial properties prioritize functionality over aesthetics. 

Key characteristics of industrial real estate include vast open spaces, higher ceilings, reinforced flooring to handle heavy machinery, and easy access to transportation routes such as highways, railroads, or ports. These properties might also feature specialized facilities like loading docks, overhead cranes, or cold storage. As businesses expand and the demand for efficient production and distribution grows, industrial real estate becomes an indispensable asset, acting as the backbone of many sectors of the economy.

industrial units real estate north dakota

Why Invest in Industrial Real Estate?

Investing in industrial real estate offers a unique blend of stability, profitability, and growth potential. In an increasingly globalized economy, the demand for manufacturing, storage, and distribution hubs is consistently on the rise. Unlike the unpredictability seen in other real estate sectors, industrial properties often boast longer lease terms, leading to steady and predictable cash flows for investors. 

Additionally, these properties tend to have lower maintenance costs and fewer management demands compared to their residential or commercial counterparts. As e-commerce continues its upward trajectory, the need for warehousing and logistics centers is becoming paramount, further cementing industrial real estate’s role as a critical infrastructure. Coupled with its resilience to economic downturns and potential for capital appreciation, industrial real estate presents a compelling investment opportunity for those looking to diversify their portfolios and tap into the evolving dynamics of the global supply chain.

Exploring Paths to Industrial Property Ownership

Navigating the intricate maze of industrial real estate requires not only an understanding of the property types but also a grasp of the different ownership avenues. Each pathway to ownership offers unique advantages and challenges, tailored to various investment goals and risk appetites. Let’s delve into the primary avenues:


This approach involves purchasing underperforming industrial properties with the primary intent of adding value to them. Typically, these properties might be outdated, poorly managed, or in need of significant repairs. Investors who opt for the value-added route are essentially betting on their ability to enhance the property’s worth, either by revamping its physical structure, improving its management, or repositioning it in the market. Once the necessary upgrades are done, the property can be leased at higher rates or even sold for a profit. While this avenue has the potential for high returns, it also comes with higher risks and requires a hands-on approach.

Market Value Purchase 

This is the most straightforward avenue to owning industrial real estate. Investors buy a property at its current market value, banking on the general appreciation of the property over time and the steady income from rentals. Such purchases are typically made for properties that are in good condition and are either already leased or are in a market where finding tenants is not challenging. It’s a more passive investment strategy compared to value-add, often favored by those looking for stable returns with lower involvement.

Land Development 

A more long-term and complex strategy, land development involves purchasing raw, undeveloped land with the vision of converting it into a functional industrial space. This can mean building warehouses, manufacturing facilities, or any other industrial property type from the ground up. Once developed, these properties can be sold or leased. While the potential returns can be significant, so are the risks. Land development requires a deep understanding of zoning laws, environmental regulations, and the local market demand. Moreover, the initial capital outlay is often high, and the return on investment can take time.

industrial lot opportunities


Investment Real Estate Opportunities in North Dakota

The state, historically known for its agricultural and energy sectors, has been diversifying its industrial portfolio, paving the way for a myriad of industrial real estate opportunities. Here, we delve deeper into these burgeoning sectors, each uniquely shaping the future of the state’s industrial real estate landscape.

Oil and Gas Infrastructure Facilities

North Dakota, particularly recognized for the Bakken shale formation, has long been a dominant player in the oil and gas sector. With technological advancements, the extraction processes have become more sophisticated, necessitating an array of specialized facilities, from drilling rigs to processing plants. Beyond mere extraction, there’s a need for refinement and transportation infrastructures. Pipelines, rail facilities, and storage terminals have become pivotal in ensuring the smooth flow of resources. For investors, this continuous expansion signifies a realm replete with industrial real estate opportunities. The long-term nature of energy projects means stability and predictability, making it a sought-after domain for those eyeing consistent returns.

Agricultural Processing and Storage Units

The sprawling fields of North Dakota yield diverse crops, from sunflowers to barley. As the agricultural sector grows, there’s a corresponding surge in demand for facilities that can process these yields, converting raw produce into market-ready products. Modern processing units, equipped with the latest technology, ensure efficiency and quality. Additionally, storage becomes paramount, especially in a state that experiences diverse climatic conditions. Advanced storage units, particularly those with controlled environments, are indispensable in preserving the quality of the produce, preventing spoilage, and ensuring year-round supply. For real estate investors, this translates to myriad opportunities, from building state-of-the-art silos to expansive cold storage facilities.

Renewable Energy Plants

While fossil fuels have historically driven North Dakota’s energy narrative, the vast plains of the state are becoming home to sprawling wind farms, harnessing the power of the wind to generate electricity. Similarly, solar installations are capturing the abundant sunlight, especially during the long summer days. These renewable energy projects require not just land but specialized facilities for energy storage and transmission. The global shift towards cleaner energy sources underscores the growth potential in this segment, making it a hotspot for industrial real estate opportunities. As the demand for green energy escalates, the state’s commitment to expanding its renewable footprint will undoubtedly attract investors.

Transportation and Logistic Hubs

North Dakota’s strategic positioning in the nation’s map makes it an ideal hub for transportation and logistics. As the state’s industries flourish, so does the need to move goods efficiently. Intermodal facilities, which seamlessly integrate rail, road, and air transport, are becoming increasingly vital. These hubs serve as consolidation points, ensuring that goods reach their destinations promptly, be it within the country or overseas. Moreover, the state’s proximity to the Canadian border adds another layer of logistic significance. For those exploring industrial real estate opportunities, investing in these hubs offers not just immediate returns but a stake in the state’s growing commerce narrative.

Manufacturing Facilities

Industrial evolution in North Dakota isn’t confined to primary sectors; manufacturing is witnessing a renaissance. From heavy machinery that aids the state’s primary sectors to consumer goods catering to its populace, the manufacturing landscape is diverse. These facilities are more than just assembly lines; they are intricate setups housing advanced machinery, R&D units, storage facilities, and more. The state’s push towards self-reliance and its aim to cater to broader markets makes manufacturing facilities a lucrative avenue for real estate investments.

Tech and Data Centers

The state’s industries, be it agriculture, energy, or manufacturing, are becoming increasingly data-driven, leading to a surge in demand for robust data centers. These centers, fortified against breaches and equipped with state-of-the-art servers, are the nerve centers of modern industries. With the world moving towards cloud computing and decentralized data storage, the demand for such facilities is only expected to grow. For the discerning investor, this presents a goldmine of industrial real estate opportunities.

Research and Development Parks

Innovation is the cornerstone of sustained growth. Recognizing this, North Dakota is fostering a culture of research, innovation, and development. Dedicated parks, often in proximity to educational institutions and industries, are emerging. These parks, buzzing with researchers, startups, and established enterprises, are the melting pots of ideas. They require specialized facilities, from labs to prototype testing units. Investing in these R&D hubs means being part of the state’s future, where innovation translates to growth.

Cold Storage Facilities

Given the state’s agrarian economy and its evolving food processing sector, cold storage facilities are no longer a luxury but a necessity. These are not mere storage units; they are technologically advanced facilities ensuring optimal temperature and humidity levels, vital for preserving perishable goods. As the state’s food exports grow, so does the demand for these facilities. Investors can tap into this escalating demand, ensuring steady returns and capital appreciation.

Industrial Condos

The dynamics of industrial spaces are evolving, and North Dakota is at the forefront of this change. Industrial condos, which offer businesses tailored, scalable spaces, are becoming popular. They cater to a spectrum of businesses, from startups needing small, flexible spaces to established entities looking for bespoke solutions. These condos, with their modular nature, represent the future of industrial real estate, making them an exciting prospect for investors.

Eco-Industrial Parks

Eco-industrial parks, designed with a minimal carbon footprint in mind, are gaining traction. These parks incorporate green building techniques, waste management solutions, and energy-efficient infrastructures. Investing in such sustainable ventures is not just a nod to environmental responsibility but also a strategic move, tapping into the global trend of green industrialization.

industrial lot opportunities


Embarking on your journey in commercial real estate investment in North Dakota is a path filled with promising opportunities, and it begins with the right guidance. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or taking your first steps in this dynamic field, our expertise and deep understanding of the North Dakota real estate landscape make us your perfect partner. If you are seeking commercial property for sale in Dickinson, ND, or interested in commercial real estate in Dickinson we invite you to reach out to us today, and let’s start exploring the unique opportunities that the industrial real estate market in North Dakota has to offer. With our support and guidance, you’re not just investing in property; you’re investing in your future with confidence and assurance.